Designed for women wanting the ultimate all-in-one blood test
This package provides a comprehensive analysis of the health of your heart, liver, kidneys, thyroid, immune system, bones, vitamins and more, allowing you to map your whole body health profile and find out what's going on inside your body, PLUS a Female Hormone panel which measures hormones involved in metabolism, reproductive health, fertility and stress.
Whats Included?
The Wellwoman test measures 36 vital markers, allowing you to monitor the health of your heart and cardiovascular system, immune system, thyroid, liver and kidneys, as well as providing information about your metabolism, iron and vitamin levels and blood sugar. Female hormones are also explored in depth, including oestrogen, FSH & LH, as well as folate.

Your thyroid is responsible for producing hormones that control metabolism; how efficiently your body burns its fuel and provides energy for movement and growth. Metabolism also affects your body temperature, sleep, mood, weight and heart rate.

Highs and lows in blood sugar can be linked with lack of focus and energy. Unbalanced blood sugar can also lead to diabetes. The HbA1c marker in this test gives an indication of your blood sugar balance over the last 3 months.

Heart Health
Cholesterol is an essential component of our body, being used to make many different hormones, including oestrogen and testosterone. There are two different types of cholesterol, both of which are measured in this test and have different functions in the body.

Do you feel a bit sluggish or weighed down? Our body naturally detoxes all the time and our liver plays many roles in the process of removing unwanted chemicals or toxins from the blood. This package includes a range of tests to investigate liver health.

Mood & Hormonal Balance
Ever wondered if your mood is affected by your hormonal balance? Our liver contributes to the regulation of many hormones in the body, helping clear out any excess. If liver function is reduced there can be a build-up of excess hormones, which can affect your mood.

A kidney function test will tell you lots about your electrolytes - important chemicals that regulate your hydration, blood pressure, blood acidity, nerve and muscle function, and nearly all chemical reactions in the body. Electrolytes are also essential minerals the body needs before, during and after exercise to maintain homeostasis, and maximise your workout.

Are you getting enough nutrients and vitamins via your diet and lifestyle? This panel tests for a range of vitamins which are all crucially important in bone, blood and overall health, as well as forming new cells and keeping the brain and nervous system healthy.

Does your body feel strong? An iron panel is included in this test and will provide insight into whether your iron levels are adequate, as iron deficiency can lead to extreme fatigue and weakness, alongside shortness of breath, dizziness and other symptoms that may be stopping you feeling your strongest.

Inflammation affects our overall health, and importantly our heart health and blood cells. C-Reactive protein (CRP) is released by the liver if you have inflammation in the body, which could be a result of an injury, infection, a chronic health condition such as arthritis, an inflammatory illness, or repeated exposure to harmful substances like toxins in cigarette smoke.

Bone Health
Vitamin D allows the body to absorb and retain calcium and phosphorus. These are both important minerals for building and maintaining strong bones. Vitamin D also helps to keep teeth healthy and muscles strong.

Fluid Balance
Your kidneys are responsible for regulating fluid balance, and removing harmful toxins or excess fluid from the blood by producing urine. Fluid retention, high blood pressure, headaches and swelling in your hands, feet or other areas of the body are all possible signs of reduced kidney function.

Whats Included In the Wellwoman Test?
Uric acid
Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate
Serum Iron
Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC)
Unsaturated Iron Binding Capacity (UIBC)
Transferrin Saturation
Vitamin D
Follicle Stimulating Hormone
Luteinising Hormone
Progesterone, Prolactin
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin ,Testosterone
DHEA, Cortisol
Flexible Blood Sample Collection Options
Choose the collection method that suits you,
You can choose how you would like the blood sample to be collected.
Find out more about our collection methods here.

How Long Will Your Test Take?
The results will be available to you within 72 hours from arrival at the laboratory.
Once the laboratory receive your sample they will begin to process it the same day. When this is completed the raw data report is reviewed by our Doctor, who will also consider your answers to the personalised health questionnaire before releasing to you within your Living DNA portal.

Easy to Order
Select the test, order online, receive the kit directly to your home and return to us in the prepaid returns bag.
Fast Result Turnaround
Our trusted laboratories work day and night to analyse and report our blood tests, so that we don't keep you waiting!
Personalised Medical Reports
Once your test results are through they are reviewed by our team of clinicians, and a qualified doctor will produce a personalised report for you.
View Trends Over Time
If markers have been tested before, you will be able to view a trend map showing how your results have changed over time!
I received my results really quickly for my health test and was impressed at how the results report was laid out. The analysis was very in depth and having individual descriptions for each health marker is not something I’ve seen before! Will definitely use again in the future for repeat testing.