Discover your ancestry with over 170 regions and subregions
The living DNA ancestry test compares your DNA to regions worldwide. Discover percentage breakdowns and detailed information of your regions and subregions.
Which regions do we cover?
We currently compare Living DNA samples against 4 in house custom built panels. Developed by our leading scientists specialising in bioinformatics and population genetics. Whether you choose to take a Living DNA test or upload your raw data to us and upgrade to receive your autosomal breakdown we will compare your DNA to over 170 regions and subregions throughout the world.
The World Panel
Our World Panel offers a comprehensive view of your genetic heritage, spanning continents and diverse populations. By analyzing DNA markers from around the globe, we provide insights into your ancestral origins that transcend borders and continents, offering a global perspective on your family history.

Whats included in the world panel?
Austronesian |
Papua |
Arabia |
Iran |
Kurdish |
Levant |
North Turkey |
South Caucasus |
South Turkey |
Balochistan |
Burusho |
Indian subcontinent |
Kalash |
Pashtun |
Sindhi |
South Central Asia |
Chuvashia |
North Central Asia |
Northeast Caucasus |
Northwestern Caucasus |
Japan and Korea |
Mongolia and Manchuria |
North China |
Northeast China |
Siberia |
South China |
Southeast Asia |
Southwest China |
Europe Panel
Like the Africa Panel, our Europe Panel is a subpanel of the World Panel and allows you to trace your genetic heritage back to the heart of Europe, uncovering the stories of your European ancestors. Whether your roots lie in the Mediterranean, Scandinavia, or Eastern Europe, this panel provides a detailed exploration of your European ancestry.

Whats included in the European panel?
East Germanic |
Northwest Germanic |
Southwest Germanic |
France |
Scandianvia |
Baltics |
Finland |
Northeast Europe |
Western Russia |
Mordovia |
East Balkans |
West Balkans |
Pannonia |
The UK Panel
The GB dedicated panel delves into the fascinating history of the British Isles. Discover the intricate mix of Celtic, Anglo-Saxon, Normans, and Viking influences that have shaped this region's genetic landscape. It allows you to uncover connections to historical events and figures from the British Isles, providing a personalised journey through time.

UK Panel
Cornwall |
Devon |
South Central England |
Central England |
South England |
Southeast England |
East Anglia |
Lincolnshire |
South Yorkshire |
North Yorkshire |
Northwest England |
Cumbria |
Northumbria |
North Wales |
South Wales |
South Wales Border |
The Africa Panel
Like the Africa Panel, our Europe Panel is a subpanel of the World Panel and allows you to trace your genetic heritage back to the heart of Europe, uncovering the stories of your European ancestors. Whether your roots lie in the Mediterranean, Scandinavia, or Eastern Europe, this panel provides a detailed exploration of your European ancestry.

African Panel
Qafar |
Amhara-Tigray |
Blacksmith Ari |
Cultivator Ari |
Batahin |
Beni-Amer |
Hadendoa |
North Sudan |
Oromo |
Somali |
Gemar-Messiria-Zaghawa |
Nuba |
Gumuz |
Maasai |
Dinka-Nuer-Shilluk |
Anuak-South Sudanese |
Achonyi |
Kenya Bantu |
Luhya |
Zigula |
Kauma-Kambe |
Wasambaa |
Malawi Bantu |
Giriama |
Hadza-Sandawe |
Mbuti |
Bayaka |
Bamum |
Cameroon Bantu |
Semi-Bantu |
Tikar |
Bambara |
Fula |
Mandinka |
Ajamat |
Soninke |
Serer |
Manjak |
Mende |
Wolof |
Akan |
Benin |
Esan |
Igbo |
Ivory Coast-Ghana |
Mossi |
Kassena |
Yoruba |
amaXhosa |
Kleuringe |
Kwangali |
Mbukushu |
Ovambo |
Sotho-Tswana |
Southeastern Bantu |
Southwestern Bantu |
Damara |
Haiom |
Juhoansi |
Karretjie |
Khwe |
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