We’re thrilled to introduce our latest upgrade to enhance your Living DNA journey, the Classical Upgrade - a brand new tool that delves into your genetic ties with ancient civilisations. Discover your genetic resemblance to the cultures of the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians.
Key Features of the Classical Upgrade
Your Index Score: Uncover the nuances of your genetic makeup by exploring your Index Score.
Percentiles: Gain a broader perspective on your genetic uniqueness with Percentiles. Compare your DNA against the Living DNA user community, receiving percentile scores for each population group.
Closest Group: Our analysis has identified 13 distinct populations - 8 for Roman, 5 for Greek, and one for Egyptian. Learn which one your DNA is most similar to.
But what do these features actually mean? Let’s find out.
Index Scores
Your Index Score shows you the amount of DNA you share with each major group - Greek, Roman, and Egyptian. It isn’t as simple as ‘42.65% Roman’ though.
We calculate the genetic similarities between your DNA and the DNA from both classical and non-classical samples to allow us to determine how close your DNA is to each group. Once we have this figure, we convert it into the Classical Index, which ranges from 1 to 100 to show you your similarity to each group.
Well, surely this is your percentage of Classical DNA, right? Sadly, not quite.
We take your Classical Index for each population group and compare it to the figure we have calculated for every other Living DNA user. This allows you to see where your result falls in comparison to the whole range of Classical Indexes.
For example, with a Roman Index of 42.65, my DNA is in the 64th percentile - which means that my DNA is more similar to the Roman samples than 64% of Living DNA users.
Closest Group
For both Greek and Roman we’ve been able to determine which of the populations within Ancient Greece and Rome your DNA most closely resembles. At the moment this is a high-level look at the group itself, but soon we hope to be able to tell you specifically which sample within that group your DNA is closest to.
Accessing the upgrade
The Classical Upgrade is easy to find within the store, in your Living DNA portal. Just log in and click on either Classical or Store in the menu on the left to purchase. For further details, or if you have any questions, we have a helpful Classical section in our support centre, or you can reach out to our friendly support team.
Embark on a Genetic Odyssey
With the Classical Upgrade, Living DNA invites you to explore the echoes of ancient threads that connect you to the classical world and gain a profound understanding of your own genetic legacy.