We are extremely excited to share the progress we have made with our autosomal DNA test for people with Germanic ancestry. We would like to thank everyone who participated in the survey. It has been incredibly helpful to us in understanding what German-speaking parts of Europe we have improved our test performance in. Our Science team has been working very hard to update our reference populations with more German samples.
The new panels have undergone rigorous testing to assess their performance and accuracy. As part of the testing process, we surveyed Living DNA customers with German ancestry to get feedback on their results. First, we collected feedback on their current results and their ancestry expectations based on their own research.
We then reprocessed their data using our new estimation method and collected feedback again. We analyzed all responses based on the provided grandparent birthplace information. This helped us to identify what regions of Germany we are able to pinpoint and where we need to collect more data from. At the moment, we are able to estimate several Germanic regions. DNA samples that we have processed using our updated estimation method have already been given an estimate for what part of the large Germanic shape their recent ancestry comes from. However, as we are undergoing a major rebuild of our ancestry results portal in order to make your Living DNA experience easier, we are not able to display the new Germanic sub-regions yet.
How does this affect me?
As soon as the new results portal is ready, we will be able to display the exciting sub regional breakdown results. We will be re-processing everyones 2019 data at no extra cost with our new method once our infrastructure rebuild is complete.
We wanted to share with you some recent statistics from our survey participants. 91% of survey participants say that their estimated German percentage has increased and 80% of survey participants say that new ancestry result reflects their expected ancestry better than the old version.